Friday, March 21, 2008

First Post

The challenge is on. I've thought about creating a blog for a while but two of my friends recently started their own blogs and I asked myself what am I waiting for? And here is my blog. Now what am I going to put in it? I will begin the process of emptying the contents of my mind onto the internet so that I can show the world what a great mind looks like. If you feel you have a great mind too then this is the blog for you. Feel free to contribute.

I recently had to translate a very complex text for one of my almost-as-smart-of-me friends and I thought it would be cool if someone had the guts to make sense of the internet. This will become my job (after I finish digitizing my brain and post it on the internet). I will become the equivalent of a modern age superhero. Except there aren't any more planets left to save nor are there any supervillians bent on destroying the world for me to banish so this is my task. The last noble deed left for me to do is to make sense of this thing they call the internet. It's not going to be easy it goes.



SashaMarie said...


me and jason r gonna make one 2gether but once we get good topics and learn 2get pple 2check it out and post comments.

im learnin 2make a website

JK said...

wow. delusional. the battle is on my inferior friend. let the battle of the minds begin. Shall we see who collects more followers?

the mind is complex.

hope you're ready...........

SashaMarie said...

haha ur background is the same as mine

SashaMarie said...


we gotta advertise all this

itsfun wen random pple comment
not us commentin each others stuff

thats just gay